Seeking The Light & Truth Within: Soul Energy Portraits

I really took a leap of faith agreeing to have my Soul Energy Portrait filmed on three different cameras – it was a full moon lunar eclipse and Friday 13th too – so the energies and emotions were at an all-time high. I didn’t know what was going to be revealed during this hour-long session with Frances Whitman – a Spiritual Medium and Intuitive Artist. I felt very vulnerable. Frances felt vulnerable too – for years she’s been Cheltenham’s best kept secret, her clients coming to her through personal recommendations, and she too was putting her head above the parapet to explain what she does in a public forum on social media. Crystal and Energy Healer, Kelly Peacey had recommended I contact Frances so I sent her an email. We hadn’t spoken on the phone or met each other before this recording – there was an understanding that Spirit wanted us to co-create this for the highest good of all – so we both agreed.

I filmed and edited this feature which was exhausting – it took me about a week, as the energy of the chalk on the board carried such a strong energy and resonance – and of course when you edit you are replaying the shots and sound over, and over again, to gain the correct pace and timing. I had to keep grounding in the garden. What was revealed was deeply healing and validating and the experience enabled me to let go of a lot I was subconsciously holding. Also, the Soul Energy Portrait – which you take away with you, framed – keeps ‘changing’. You see different aspects in it as your own energy vibration changes, until you have reached a point when you don’t need it anymore. It’s so deeply healing.

NB Please be aware before watching the video there is a mention of miscarriage during this reading.

How is a Soul Energy Portrait Created?

During the creation of each unique Soul Energy Portrait, Frances intuitively connects with her guides and the clients’ guides, receiving information relating to a client’s life and soul path to include past, present and future. Clients are given an audio recording of the hour- long session and a framed Soul Energy Portrait.

Frances believe the vibration of each portrait communicates on a level that cannot always be seen but can be felt and recognized long after the portrait has been completed. It's as if the portrait acts as a window and through it you are able to connect to and see your soul, to remember who you are, to see where you have come from, where you are now, and the opportunities already in place and waiting for you.

Thank you, Helen for your talent as a film maker, your time and your amazing energy that you share with others so beautifully and generously.
— Frances Whitman

Comments from YouTube

“This was such a tender, powerful and authentic encounter. Thank you so much for your vulnerability, courage and skill. You are a gift to us all.”
- Rev. Leti Hawthorn

“Wonderful video – I found it very emotional and it brought me to tears.”
- Anoymous

“Your spirit is dancing, Helen. Your light is always shining and inspiring me.”
- Rev. Sharon Paul

I am not paid to produce these videos. If you have found value in this series and would like to support its continuation and reach a wider audience, you can contribute by buying me a coffee. Your generosity helps in creating more content and sharing it with as many viewers as possible. Thank you for your support.

Ellen Badat

As a web designer based in Gloucester, I have been designing websites for over 20 years by taking my clients ideas and turning them into great looking websites.

Seeking the Light & Truth Within: The Red Dress


Seeking the Light & Truth Within: Herbal Medicine & Foraging