Stop acting so small. You are the Universe in ecstatic motion.
— Rumi


I am a qualified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, endorsed by The Reiki Association. I combine both Eastern and Western styles of teaching, and I can trace both lineages back to the founder, Dr Mikao Usui. As an ordained Interfaith Minister, I create a safe, sacred space for clients, and work from the heart with the purest intention, for the highest good. I also offer spiritual accompaniment/counselling, either before or following a reiki treatment, booking is advisable.

Working with the ancient Japanese energy healing method of Reiki has been life changing. It enabled me to align with the Universe, harmonise, balance & re-kindle the Divine light within. Reiki heightened my intuition, replaced stress & anxiety with inner peace & helped me return home to my true authentic self.

I first received Reiki more than a decade ago, when I was going through a torrid time, gripped by grief, fear and anger. I was initially sceptical as to how a practitioner can transfer the Universal Life Energy through the palms of their hands, but recognised I needed help to shift dense, stuck energy and wanted to become happier & regain my self-esteem. It was a beautiful & very relaxing experience. There’s no embarrassment, as you remain fully clothed; you can lie down or be seated; and you are only lightly touched on your head, shoulders, knees & feet. Some people feel a gentle tingling sensation; others see colours and images; some fall asleep. The Universal Energy stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal & balance itself. Reiki addresses causes rather than symptoms, working on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. There is no belief system attached to Reiki, the only pre-requisite is the desire to be healed for the highest good. Reiki can stir up emotions as part of the healing process & I remember initially feeling quite tired. It’s important to drink lots of water. After a series of reiki treatments, I felt lighter, brighter, and more able to cope. I was able to gain clarity, trust my inner knowing and listen to the whispers of my soul.

The home of your soul is in the Realm of the Absolute, where Divine Spirit dwells.
— Neale Donald Walsch

The Universe is composed of two elements, consciousness & energy, existing in each other as one entity. The soul is the purest form of energy. We are a collection of unique rhythmic vibrations & frequencies, harmonising, as Pythagoras and Kepler discovered, with the planets and solar system’s tones as they orbit the Sun. We are, as the Sufi Poet Rumi wrote, “the Universe in ecstatic motion!” We are the Divine Spark, stardust & energy (Qi).

I offer a free consultation for prospective clients. As an Interfaith Minister I may offer a prayer, poem or Sanskrit chant, before and after the treatment, with prior permission. Sometimes, a client likes a to receive a Reiju, a reiki blessing or distant healing. Occasionally, I’m intuitively guided to use crystals, singing bowls and voice vibrations, though not formally trained, and I work with Angels. If you are interested in receiving Reiki, or perhaps you are drawn to learning more about this ancient Japanese energy healing method, and discover how it can help the well-being of your family and pets: please do connect with me, as I also teach Reiki 1 & 2.


£50 - 1 hour reiki session (including consultation)

£65 - 1 hour reiki session with reiki blessing.

£280 - Block of 6 standard reiki sessions

  • The reiki treatment was my first experience and I felt held, safe and warm in Helen's beautiful space. The crystals placed in specific places around me felt powerful, yet safe. The experience was that of amazing lightness, discovery and channelled information. I felt strangely light afterwards and the "magic" lingered for few days whilst processing.


  • Highly intuitive, Helen has this wonderful way of always seeming to know when to reach out to give me a gentle nudge to take better care of myself be it on a mind, body or soul level. As a recipient of her reiki healing and spiritual counselling services, she works with the highest integrity and from a pure space of unconditional love and light. A grounded, gentle and compassionate soul, Helen creates a safe space for her clients to unfold and to explore their own essence. She is truly one of earth's more radiant lightworkers.


  • I have received the most wonderful Reiki treatments in her beautiful therapy room, so powerful & healing.


  • Helen has helped me release blocked energies both in my creative life and my role as carer.
