Seeking the Light & Truth Within: Jewels Wingfield at Earth Heart

Jewels Wingfield discusses her deep, transformative soul work at Earth Heart in the Forest of Dean, UK.

Jewels’ mission is to co-create a world where we remember that the evolution of our consciousness is reliant on the thriving of the natural world and that the thriving of the natural world is reliant on the evolution of our consciousness. 

She has more than 30 years experience and holds a space of inclusivity and non-bias, and helps people heal their Holy wound to transform the World.

Jewel’s work relies on a strong and safe container, a circle of kindred spirits, a team of support, and a willingness for collaboration. For this reason she only works with a limited number of people each year. She journeys all the way with you until you are fully birthed through to the other side. She will go as far, as deep and as wide as you need to for the full shift to happen and be integrated into your life.

I was fortunate to attend one of Jewel’s online zooms when I was grieving the loss of my mum - the earth based grief and gratitude ceremony in the Earth Lodge helped me honour my feelings and release emotions leading to acceptance and healing. So I was delighted when Jewels agreed to co-create this film about her work. I filmed and edited everything.

Jewels’ believes women have a unique connection to nature and they are at the height of their sexual power - and closest to Source - during menopause. She explains how the cycles of women’s bodies reflect the seasons, phases of the moon and tides. Jewels’ explains how our ancestors were inherently connected to this, and she has mapped this way of navigating life within the “Wombdala”. Jewels’ runs a leadership and empowerment programme for women. She supports couples too. 

It was a magical day spent filming with Jewels on such healing land at Earth Heart.

Working with Helen was such a joy. She made me feel really relaxed and she was so warm and reassuring. We had a great day together.
— Jewels Wingfield, Earth Heart

For more information about Jewels’s work:

Ellen Badat

As a web designer based in Gloucester, I have been designing websites for over 20 years by taking my clients ideas and turning them into great looking websites.

Seeking the Light & Truth Within: The Almanac with Lia Leendertz


Seeking the Light & Truth Within: Dowsing at Avebury Henge, West Kennet Long Barrow & Silbury Hill.