Seeking The Light & Truth Within: Green Spirituality with Interfaith Minister Ian Mowll

Rev. Helen James interviews fellow OneSpirit Interfaith Minister, Ian Mowll, about his ministry, love of nature and work as co-ordinator of GreenSpirit - an engaged spirituality for a living Earth.

GreenSpirit is a network of people who practice loving Mother Earth. They are inspired by the awe and wonder of Gaia, and this green spirituality brings together the rigour of science, the creativity of artistic expression and the wisdom of spiritual traditions. They share and celebrate their inner and outer life together locally and nationally. They have seasonal ceremonies to honour the turning of the Celtic Wheel. GreenSpirit welcomes all who seek a shift in consciousness towards a loving connection with the Earth and all life.

  • They recognise that all lifeforms live in relationship and contribute to our living planet

  • They draw from science which helps understanding our part in the the evolutionary journey of life

  • They embrace the mystery and paradox, taking inspiration from artists, poets and mystics of all ages

  • They celebrate diversity and creativity and seek to redress the historic imbalance of masculine and feminine

  • They create celebrations to help connection as a group and all life which honour the sacred nature of creation

  • They encourage practical actions towards a more just, sustainable and beautiful community of life on our planet

 Green Spirituality embraces figures as Hildegard of Bingen, Rumi, Meister Eckhart, Francis of Assisi, the Romantic poets and influenced initially by Matthew Fox's Creation Centred Spirituality. The vision of GreenSpirit today is inspired by leading-edge figures in the fields of science, technology, religion and cosmology, like Thomas Berry, Brian Swimme and social activist and deep ecologist, Joanna Macy.

Helen has an amazing ability to capture the essence of my spiritual journey and she produced a beautifully crafted video which linked thoughts and ideas into a wonderful flow. As a result, I feel seen and heard.

I realise how much time and effort goes into producing a video like that so another heart-felt thank you from me!
— Ian Mowll

For more information:

Ellen Badat

As a web designer based in Gloucester, I have been designing websites for over 20 years by taking my clients ideas and turning them into great looking websites.

Seeking The Light & Truth Within: Felicity Warner & Sacred Oils


Seeking the Light & Truth Within: The Almanac with Lia Leendertz