I looked in temples, churches, and mosques. But I found the Divine within my heart.
— Rumi

Faith and Pride


At the heart of OneSpirit’s code of ethics is ‘remembering our unity, honouring our uniqueness’ and we actively aim to keep our hearts and minds open to everyone. Celebrating difference but not separation. We stand firmly in the position that we are all one, connected through love, and are committed to joining in the awakening of a global and inclusive spirituality.

Pride is a celebration that love is love. Pride is still so important today as people around the world are still discriminated against because of their sexual orientation or their gender identity. Pride is a time of empowerment, where public spaces are occupied to celebrate love, and to also challenge homophobic and transphobic laws and legislation, and a reminder that we have a way to go in dismantling the prejudices that exist in society today. I hope one day we will live in a global society where all individuals are celebrated.

“Our future survival is predicated upon our ability to relate within equality.”

– Audre Lorde

Pride starts with the ability to say ‘this is who I am’. To speak that truth to yourself. I am gay. I am queer. I am a man. I am a woman. I am gender fluid. Whatever your truth may be.

But taking pride in who you are doesn’t end there.

Not everyone can safely share. Very rarely are people free from judgement. And so, they deny part of themselves. Through shame, stigma, and fear that they gain from others.

But who are you? Who am I? Who are we to make a judgement over what love should be, what a body should be?

Why does it matter to you? What are you afraid of?

This year, I’m celebrating what, to me, is a vibrant and authentic community. But part of my pride is challenging people who still stand against love.

Love is love, and identity is identity.

Pride, for me, is about the full acceptance of who you are, not having to hide or deny a part of yourself because of people who don’t understand. Not being given shame by people who love you with conditions.

Pride, is saying ‘I’m here’. Knowing that you can choose who you allow to see your truth and who you welcome to that knowledge. Knowing that there are so many people out there who will love you for all you are, without conditions.

Pride means looking inwards and feeling confident when you say, ‘this is who I am’.

Pride is working towards the safety and freedom to share ‘I am here, I deserve love.’

Pride is being able to introduce others to another beautiful part of who I am and turning away from those who condemn and judge me.

Pride is what I choose, who I am is my truth.